In our society as it stands today, we find ourselves surrounded by the world of reality television. Whether it be a game show, or one which follows around the daily lives of regular people, reality television has and continues to have a big influence on the action of our communities. Many shows are centered around a group of people or a family who's focus is on drama and the negative qualities of others, where as the show Duck Dynasty shows a family who is sound in their morale's with the show being centered around the positive aspects of their lives. There is some drama present, but they tend to be situations that end up highlighting morales held by the family. This is one reason to watch Duck Dynasty.
The show Duck Dynasty is centered around the Robertson family who operates their Duck Commander company out of Louisiana. The family is known most famously for their duck calls. They also are know to enjoy outdoor activities such as hunting and fishing, all the while sporting long beards maintaining the redneck lifestyle. Most of the filming is staged, and there are interviews throughout. Duck Dynasty would be considered a phase one reality television show as it is based on edited footage of unfolding events.
One thing that sets Duck Dynasty apart from other reality television shows is the family unity displayed throughout the show. This is one reason why Duck Dynasty is the reality television show to watch. In a society where the majority of family foundations are built on sand, it can only be a positive thing to see a family with a foundation built on stone. This isn't to imply that the Robertson family doesn't have their disagreements, but they have built their foundation to withstand the inevitable storms. At the end of each Duck Dynasty episode, the family is shown gathered around the table for an evening dinner. In a world of cracked foundations, it isn't a bad thing for people to be exposed to a family who has their foundation together.

One example of family conflict experienced in Duck Dynasty can be found in the episode, "The Life of Si". Willie Robertson, the CEO of the family company, had come across tickets to the LSU football game and was taking his two kids to the game. While on the way there, however, they find themselves lost. Eventually, they call off the game and return home. This was the main form of drama found within this episode. While there was drama and some tension between family members, they realize at the end of the day that their company is greater than any game. This is one example of how the family's morales are present within the show.
The wilderness is one of the main aspects of Duck Dynasty. Through the episodes, the men of the family are shown partaking in outdoor excursions such as hunting, fishing, and hiking. What this does for viewers is allows them to be exposed to something they otherwise may not ever experience. Think of people that live in the city, they are less likely to experience the outdoors and Duck Dynasty provides them with that opportunity. There are also some people who physically can't get to the outdoors, and while only a television show, Duck Dynasty allows the viewer to experience and appreciate the wilderness.
Our society is in constant motion. Always working, always preparing, always moving. We go and go and go. What Duck Dynasty offers its viewers is a change of pace. After a hectic day at work or a long week, this show serves as a nice decelerator. The simple lifestyle lived by the Robertson's is one in which the viewer can momentarily imagine themselves in and thus take solace. From their work making duck calls to the peaceful Louisiana woodlands, everything is simple. This can be appreciated by people who don't have the opportunity of living such simplistic lifestyles.
While many more can be listed, these are some of the main reasons viewers should take the time to watch Duck Dynasty. It is a morale centered show in which can teach you things of the outdoors and brings you a peace through its simplicity.
Works Cited
O'Sullivan, Shannon E.M. "Playing “Redneck”: White Masculinity and Working-Class Performance on Duck Dynasty." The Journal of Popular Culture: Wiley Periodicals Inc., 6 April 2016,\'Redneck\':%20White%20Masculinity%20and%20Working-Class%20Performance%20on%20Duck%20Dynasty&aulast=O\'Sullivan,%20Shannon%20E.%20M.&volume=49&issue=2&spage=367&pages=367-384&issn=00223840&isbn=&Date=2016-04-01., Inc. Duck Dynasty. IMDb 2017.
A+E Networks Corp. Duck Dynasty.A&E.
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